Whitsunday Islands

Happy Happy Carrie
1.30.10 - 2.01.10: My 3 day, 2 night sailing trip was dampened a bit (literally) from the piss-poor weather and rains on the first day and a half, but the beautiful sights in the end, beautiful sunshine in the end and the great group of people I met on the trip made it all worth while. We had about 25 in our group, we all had a teeny little bed to sleep on, 2 bathrooms for the group, and a captain/skipper, host/cook, and two dive instructors as well as two other crew members. Had great food, some diving (although not much because visibility was so bad), sun bathing, bush walk to aborigional caves, and just hanging out and having a good time. We missed out on a few great dive sites and the famous Whitehaven Beach because the weather was too bad to travel there, but we made the most of our trip anyway. Originally I thought this was my "Great Barrier Reef" diving... which technically it is still the GBR, but more of the outskirts. I guess the "classic" dive sights are from Cairns, but from what I hear the weather there was worse than in the Whitsundays so I guess it's all good.
View from Whitsunday Island, other side of WhiteHaven Beach
Capt'n Kurt let me drive the boat!
Hanging out enjoying the sunshine
Yeah Whitsundays!
Met some groups from Sweden, London, and Italy. We had a great time despite the gloomy weather in the beginning (as the 7 people who were sick on the back of the boat the last night can agree). Had a nice afternoon relaxing by the large salt water pool called the Lagoon which is right on the water (too many jellyfish to swim that area this time of year) with some of the people from the boat, enjoyed a nice lunch and got ready to head to the airport. Sad to be leaving Australia but looking forward to New Zealand!
*I love how the aussies shorten just about every word out there, (pressy for present, mozzy for mosquito, etc.) but here are the oz-isms I'll miss most: singlet/tank top, thongs/flip-flops, "good on ya!"/good for you or good going, "how are you going?"/how are you doing, "ta"/thank you, HEAPS/lots, and instead of saying good bye/see ya/later to someone you know you'll never see again (ie. flight attendant, waitress in restaurant you'll never bet at again, etc.) all say "SEE YOU!" in an optimistic, promising tone, as if I will really see them again :) you gotta love'm!
Group Shot
SCUBA Carrie
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