Lewis Pass
NZ Coast
2.04.10-2.06.10 - Been on the "kiwi experience" for only 2 nights now but it seems like I've been with these guys and on the bus for a week at least! It's been nice having someone figure out accommodation and transportation and such although it is kind of a drag traveling with 50 other people. everyone is really nice though and we've been enjoying all of our activities so far. Most of it included riding in the bus and going on walks along the coast looking at the scenery. NZ is BEAUTIFUL! It's really gorgeous and I wish I woulda scored better pictures along the bus ride. Drive from Christchurch to Westport, had a fun night at the local pub getting to know everyone, very small town! Then more driving and scenic walks, made our way to Lake Mahinapua where we stayed at this place run by a guy who they say is 126 years old! he is hilarious and has been hosting these crazy theme parties at this pub for over 16 years so he's got it down pat.
So we had 30 minutes at the salvation army to find something to create an outfit for the "fancy dress" party. we had to dress up as a famous person or animal, fact or fictional. I made my Scar (from Lion King, or could have been Lion from Wizard of Oz) costume out of 2 sweatshirts and a bunch of safety pins! I was voted best dressed too by everyone on the bus, and got a free canyon swing (kind of like bungy, 106m high, 60 m freefall) in Queenstown, worth $200!! :) Had a lot of fun that night at the Poo Pub, and then on the bus the next morning for more drives, scenery and stopped at the Bushman Center for lunch and some people went to the museum. Everything they had on display was pretty cool though without having to pay $4 to get in.
Now taking care of business in Franz Josef - staying in a really nice rainforest lodge thing, and going sky diving in 2 hours! Can't wait! It's only from 12,000 feet but it was voted #2 best sky dive in the world by the us skydive association, so I'm expecting it to be good! Looking forward to it! Then a full day hike up and down the Franz Josef Glacier and then dipping in the hot springs after! Once we arrive in Queenstown I'll get to use my free canyon bungee/swing. Our guide said its the most fun thing to do and he does it a lot so I'm happy I won! :)
NZ Coast + Me
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